The debut feature by director Amjad Al Rasheed, and the first-ever Jordanian film to premiere at Cannes, Inshallah a Boy tells the story of Nawal, who faces destitution after the sudden passing of her husband. In order to protect her daughter and save her home from an exploitative brother-in-law taking advantage of Jordan’s patriarchal inheritance laws, Nawal pretends to be pregnant with a son—a deception that grows harder to sustain as time passes, leaving her with a difficult path toward self-determination.
With Mouna Hawa, Haitham Alomari, Yumna Marwan.
The debut feature by director Amjad Al Rasheed, and the first-ever Jordanian film to premiere at Cannes, Inshallah a Boy tells the story of Nawal, who faces destitution after the sudden passing of her husband. In order to protect her daughter and save her home from an exploitative brother-in-law taking advantage of Jordan’s patriarchal inheritance laws, Nawal pretends to be pregnant with a son—a deception that grows harder to sustain as time passes, leaving her with a difficult path toward self-determination.
Date: SUNDAY JULY 14, 2024
RT: 113 mins.