Rania Stephan: The Three Disappearances of Soad Hosni


Born in Beirut, Rania Stephan graduated with a degree in Cinema Studies from Latrobe University in Melbourne, Australia and a graduate degree in Cinema Studies from Paris 8 University, France. Her career in film production has been long and diverse: she has worked as a sound engineer, camera person, editor, first assistant director and producer with renowned filmmakers including Simone Bitton The Wall and Citizen Bishara and Elia Suleiman Divine Intervention.  Her films include: Tribe (1993),  Attempt at Jealousy (1995), My First Camera (1998),  Arrest at Manara (2003), Wastelands (2005),  Lebanon/War (2006)

Doha Film Institute Interview

The Three Disappearances of Soad Hosni

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